Friday, May 2, 2008

Why Bugs on a Log?

This is one of my favorite snacks because...
it is easy, nutritious, versatile and tasty. Celery is crunchy, inexpensive, and durable to stand up to small hands.

Celery can be spread with peanut butter, cream cheese, almond butter, pimiento cheese, hummus, cottage cheese and the list goes on…
What is your child’s preference? Or yours?

A fun snack time is the perfect time to experiment with new and different foods.
Children are usually more willing to try new foods when they are involved in the preparation. Choose a good time when you are both rested and snack hungry.

Getting Ready

Have all items gathered and prepared beforehand so everything goes smoothly. Include your child in as much of the preparation as you think your child can handle.
Together with your child prepare the celery by washing and drying the stalks using paper or kitchen towels. If your child is too young to use a knife(even a plastic one) then precut the celery. Stress good hygiene
Wash hands, wear an apron, smock or kitchen towel.

Bugs On A Log

What you need:

celery sticks
peanut butter (or spread of your choice)
raisins (or bugs you choose)

What to do:

1. Wash and dry the celery and cut it into pieces (3 to 5 inches long).
2. Spread peanut butter in groove shaped section of celery. You can use a knife or spoon.
3. Push raisins into peanut butter.
Now, eat and enjoy!

Raisins are traditionally used but also craisins, sunflower seeds, dried cherries or blueberries, peanuts, granola clusters, dried fruit pieces(apricots, apples, dates). What would you like to introduce to your child’s palate this week?


Anonymous said...

I love this snack, too! I can't wait to try it with craisins.

Anonymous said...

My daughter enjoys this snack. This is a great blog idea - looking forword to its development and growth. blw